Recent Updates

  • Trial begins Monday in Kansas abortion stalking lawsuit

    Trial begins Monday in Kansas abortion stalking lawsuit

    National Legal News 09/30/2019

    A federal jury will decide whether the operator of a Wichita abortion facility had reasonable grounds to seek a protection-from-stalking order against an abortion protester.Jury selection begins Monday in the federal lawsuit filed by anti-abortion ac...

  • High Court overturns city mandate on construction projects

    High Court overturns city mandate on construction projects

    Law Review 09/26/2019

    A divided Ohio Supreme Court has upheld a state law invalidating a Cleveland requirement that public construction contractors hire city residents for a portion of work on projects.A 2003 Cleveland ordinance mandates that residents must perform 20% of...

  • Gorsuch says US Supreme Court not split on partisan lines

    Gorsuch says US Supreme Court not split on partisan lines

    National Legal News 09/21/2019

    The conventional wisdom that the court is split along partisan lines based on the political views of the president that appointed each justice is false, a U.S. Supreme Court justice said.Justice Neil Gorsuch spoke about civility to an audience of abo...

  • ‘Coward’: Epstein accusers pour out their anger in court

    ‘Coward’: Epstein accusers pour out their anger in court

    Legal Compliance 08/28/2019

    One by one, 16 women who say they were sexually abused by Jeffrey Epstein poured out their anger Tuesday, lashing out at him as a coward and a manipulator, after a judge gave them the day in court they were denied when he killed himself behind bars.&...

  • Gun-control backers concerned about changing federal courts

    Gun-control backers concerned about changing federal courts

    Legal Compliance 08/11/2019

    California has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation, including a ban on the type of high-capacity ammunition magazines used in some of the nation’s deadliest mass shootings.How long those types of laws will stand is a growing concern amo...

  • Puerto Ricans await court decision on potential new governor

    Puerto Ricans await court decision on potential new governor

    National Legal News 08/05/2019

    Puerto Rico’s Supreme Court on Monday agreed to rule on a lawsuit that the island’s Senate filed in a bid to oust a veteran politician recently sworn in as the island’s governor.The court gave all parties until Tuesday at noon to fi...

  • Democratic governor getting to shape Kansas' top court

    Democratic governor getting to shape Kansas' top court

    Law Review 07/29/2019

    The Kansas Supreme Court's chief justice plans to retire before the end of the year, allowing first-year Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly to leave a bigger mark on the state's highest court than her conservative Republican predecessors.Chief Justice Lawto...

  • Records detail frenetic effort to bury stories about Trump

    Records detail frenetic effort to bury stories about Trump

    Legal Compliance 07/19/2019

    Court records released Thursday show that President Donald Trump took part in a flurry of phone calls in the weeks before the 2016 election as his close aides and allies scrambled to pay porn star Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about an alleged affair....

  • Public unions see only modest decline after court ruling

    Public unions see only modest decline after court ruling

    Legal Compliance 07/13/2019

    Anticipating that the U.S. Supreme Court might end mandatory union fees for public employees, some labor-friendly states enacted laws last year to protect membership rolls while unions redoubled their recruitment efforts.Those steps appear to have pa...

  • Court to Trump: Blocking Twitter critics is unconstitutional

    Court to Trump: Blocking Twitter critics is unconstitutional

    Legal Compliance 07/11/2019

    President Donald Trump lost a major Twitter fight Tuesday when a federal appeals court said that his daily musings and pronouncements were overwhelmingly official in nature and that he violated the First Amendment whenever he blocked a critic to sile...

  • Fines, jail, probation, debt: Court policies punish the poor

    Fines, jail, probation, debt: Court policies punish the poor

    U.S. Court Watch 07/08/2019

    Johnny Gibbs has been trying to get a valid driver’s license for 20 years, but he just can’t afford it.To punish him for high school truancy in 1999, Tennessee officials told him he would not be able to legally drive until he turned 21. H...

  • The Latest: Trump considers executive order on census query

    The Latest: Trump considers executive order on census query

    U.S. Court Watch 07/07/2019

    President Donald Trump says he is “very seriously” considering an executive order to get a citizenship question on the 2020 Census.The Justice Department says it will continue to search for legal grounds to force the inclusion of the ques...