Premium listings
  • MJM Law Office, P.C. - Lane County DUI Lawyer

    MJM Law Office, P.C. - Lane County DUI Lawyer

    Law Firm Directory 01/11/2025

    Lane county, OR DUI Lawyer DUII (Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants) is the one crime that most everyone, including police officers, judges and lawyers, have committed at one time or another. A small percentage of motorists operating under th...

  • Law Offices of Esra Jung

    Law Offices of Esra Jung

    Law Firm Directory California

    Sunnyvale, CA Personal Injury Attorney If you have been injured in an accident, you need a personal injury attorney who is ready to fight for the compensation you deserve. At the Law Offices of Esra Jung, we have spent decades helping the hardworking...

  • Krol, Bongiorno & Given, Ltd

    Krol, Bongiorno & Given, Ltd

    Law Firm Directory Illinois

    Chicago, IL Workers& Compensation Lawyers Since 1962, the law firm of Krol, Bongiorno & Given, Ltd. has been a leader in the field of workers’ compensation law, protecting the rights of tens of thousands of workers injured on the job. K...

Recent Updates

  • A Supreme Court Justice Visits Campus: A Look Behind The Scenes

    A Supreme Court Justice Visits Campus: A Look Behind The Scenes

    Legal Compliance 03/30/2020

    when they speak at public universities. But public and press access granted by the justices is idiosyncratic.Two justices — Neil Gorsuch and Samuel Alito — have limited access to their appearances, even on occasion forbidding recording of...

  • Trump cases are put on Supreme Court hold by virus

    Trump cases are put on Supreme Court hold by virus

    Class Action 03/29/2020

    The coronavirus pandemic has put on indefinite hold a major portion of the U.S. Supreme Court’s docket, including a multibillion-dollar clash between software giants Google and Oracle Corp. and cases that could affect President Donald Trump&rsq...

  • Lawyers, judges push to close immigration courts amid virus

    Lawyers, judges push to close immigration courts amid virus

    U.S. Court Watch 03/27/2020

    Immigration attorneys have sported swim goggles and masks borrowed from friends to meet with clients in detention centers. Masked judges are stocking their cramped courtrooms with hand sanitizer for hearings they want to do by phone.While much of dai...

  • Court: UK shouldn’t give US evidence on pair of IS militants

    Court: UK shouldn’t give US evidence on pair of IS militants

    Civil Litigation News 03/25/2020

    A court on Wednesday barred the British government from providing U.S. prosecutors with evidence against two Islamic State militants suspected in the beheadings of Western hostages, citing the prospect the men could face the death penalty if tried an...

  • Judge improperly removed mother's rights to children

    Judge improperly removed mother's rights to children

    Family Law 03/24/2020

    A Tennessee judge who recently came off probation for mishandling cases improperly stripped a mother’s parental rights without proper notice or a hearing, a state court said.The Tennessee Court of Appeals described the father as abusive to the ...

  • Supreme Court: Justices healthy and trying to stay that way

    Supreme Court: Justices healthy and trying to stay that way

    Law Review 03/21/2020

    The Supreme Court reported Friday that the nine justices are healthy and trying to stay that way.To that end, when the court held its regularly scheduled private conference Friday morning, some of the justices participated remotely, and those who wer...

  • Neville keeps seat in crowded primary for Supreme Court

    Neville keeps seat in crowded primary for Supreme Court

    U.S. Court Watch 03/19/2020

    Illinois Supreme Court Justice P. Scott Neville Jr. has won the primary election to keep his seat on the state’s highest court, emerging from a field of a six other Democrats. No Republicans ran, making him the presumed winner in November for t...

  • Court approves PG&E’s $23B bankruptcy financing package

    Court approves PG&E’s $23B bankruptcy financing package

    Legal Compliance 03/17/2020

    Pacific Gas & Electric on Monday won court approval to raise $23 billion to help pay its bills over destructive California wildfires after Gov. Gavin Newsom dropped his opposition to a financing package designed to help the nation’s largest...

  • Australian highest court to rule on Cardinal’s appeal later

    Australian highest court to rule on Cardinal’s appeal later

    Court Watch 03/15/2020

    Australia’s highest court on Thursday said it will deliver a verdict at a later date on whether to overturn the convictions of the most senior Catholic to be found guilty of child sex abuse.Cardinal George Pell’s lawyer, Bret Walker, told...

  • Australia’s High Court hears what may be Pell’s last appeal

    Australia’s High Court hears what may be Pell’s last appeal

    Legal Compliance 03/13/2020

    The most senior Catholic to be convicted of child sex abuse took his appeal to Australia’s highest court Wednesday in potentially his last bid to clear his name.Cardinal George Pell was sentenced a year ago to six years in prison for molesting ...

  • Juul Labs sought to court AGs as teen vaping surged

    Juul Labs sought to court AGs as teen vaping surged

    Bankruptcy Law 03/10/2020

    It was a blunt warning about the dangers of youth vaping: Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr announced late last month that his state had joined 38 others to investigate whether Juul Labs, the nation’s largest electronic cigarette company, pro...

  • Nevada high court defends Tahoe bear activists' free speech

    Nevada high court defends Tahoe bear activists' free speech

    U.S. Court Watch 03/08/2020

    Social media comments about protecting bears that were posted by Lake Tahoe activists referring to a longtime wildlife biologist as a murderer constitute "good faith communications" protected as free speech, the Nevada Supreme Court says.The recent o...